Frequently Asked Questions

General KIPS Questions

What is KIPS?
KIPS is a practical, reliable and valid observational assessment tool designed for evaluating parenting outcomes and collecting clinically relevant information.  When staff incorporate KIPS assessments into their routine services, they can identify parents’ specific strengths and needs, and tailor their parenting services for each family.  Thus, KIPS not only documents program outcomes, it can guide and improve clinical services.
What is the process of getting started on KIPS? Where do I begin?

Check out the How It Works page to get information on the process.

What does a KIPS subscription include?

A KIPS subscription grants you year-round access to our comprehensive training program. Upon completing the training, you will take an exam to earn your certification, which must be renewed annually. Additionally, you will have unlimited access to the KIPS library, filled with extra practice exams and resources. You’ll also have access to a dedicated portal to track all your KIPS evaluations for each family you work with. This portal allows you to input information and export reports, showcasing both your program’s KIPS outcomes and the outcomes for the families you assist.

What is the KIPS Annual Checkup/Recertification?

After passing your KIPS Certification for the first time, you have one year until your KIPS certification expires and you will need to recertify. For KIPS recertification, you have three opportunities to score exam videos from a random pool.  Staff only need to achieve 80% agreement on 1 of the 3 videos to become recertified.  You can access the KIPS library to practice scoring more. 

I failed all three of my exam attempts, now what?

When someone doesn’t succeed after three exam attempts we take this as an indication that for this person the online training alone isn’t meeting her/his needs.  We have found that retaking the course along with coaching from someone local who is currently KIPS-certified, preferably a supervisor, usually results in success. The KIPS administrator at your program can give you an additional attempt to pass the exam. 

How long does it take to complete the certification process?

On average it takes ten hours to complete. We recommend breaking down the eLearning to no more than two hours a day.

How often do I need to recertify?

Once certified in KIPS, you have one year until your certification expires and you will need to recertify.

How will I know when my certification is about to expire?

One month before your certification expires, you will receive an email notifying you that your KIPS certification is about to expire. At that time, your KIPS recertification exam will become available on KIPS for you to take.

Finance & Invoicing Questions

How expensive is KIPS/Where do I order?

You can order and view the prices for KIPS on the following order form.

How do we pay?

After a KIPS order is submitted, an invoice will be generated and you will receive an email from Interactive Parenting Technology’s Quickbooks. The email will include a link to view the invoice. By clicking the link, you have the option to pay directly online with a credit card, a debit card, or ACH. Some organizations prefer to pay by check. All checks can be addressed to:

Interactive Parenting Technology
356 N. 76th St.
Omaha, NE 68114

Do you accept purchase orders?
Yes, we do accept purchase orders. Please include your purchase order number on the order form and we will make sure it’s included when we send out an invoice.
My organization needs your W9, how do I get that?
Please email jade@kipscoaching.com and request a W9.
What’s your address?
Interactive Parenting Technology
356 N. 76th St.
Omaha, NE 68114

Technical Questions

Help! I tried to access the KIPS exam, it wouldn’t load correctly, and now I no longer have the option to take the exam. What do I do?

If this happens, don’t fret! Email logan@kipscoaching.com with your first and last name and she will delete the “blank” exam. The KIPS team is currently working on the redevelopment and modernization of the KIPS software to eliminate future problems like this. The tool should be available Summer 2024.