The Power of Play in Assessing Parenting

The Power of Play in Assessing Parenting

The Power of Play in Assessing Parenting POSTED BY: PHIL GORDON ON THU, MAY 09, 2013 In a recent New York Times article, David Dobbs, reviewed research by Alison Gopnik and others regarding the power of play in child development.  Dobbs says about play,  They...
Assessing Parenting Helped Me Improve My Own Parenting

Assessing Parenting Helped Me Improve My Own Parenting

Assessing Parenting Helped Me Improve My Own Parenting POSTED BY: PHIL GORDON ON WED, APR 24, 2013 I have to admit that the Keys to Interactive Parenting Scale (KIPS) has become a bit of a passion of mine. As an Early Childhood Professional and a mother of two young...