by kipsadmin | Aug 2, 2020 | Parenting
Is 23% of Parenting Really Due to Children’s Genes? POSTED BY: PHIL GORDON ON FRI, SEP 27, 2013 I just read an interesting article that warrants some discussion. I found the article because the press was reporting that a study found 23% of parenting was attributable...
by kipsadmin | Aug 2, 2020 | Parenting
Assessing Parent-Child Relationships Through the Lens of Attachment POSTED BY: PHIL GORDON ON FRI, SEP 20, 2013 The quality of parent-child relationships is linked to a theoretical construct called attachment. A child’s attachment influences his or her...
by kipsadmin | Aug 2, 2020 | Parenting
Brookings: A Parenting Gap Causes the Achievement Gap! POSTED BY: PHIL GORDON ON WED, SEP 11, 2013 I just read a remarkable report from the Brookings Institution written by Isabel V. Sawhill, Richard V. Reeves and Kimberly Howard entitled Parenting, Politics, and...
by kipsadmin | Aug 2, 2020 | Parent Assessment
Parenting Assessment Raises Family Engagement POSTED BY: PHIL GORDON ON MON, AUG 26, 2013 How could parenting assessment increase family engagement? For many parents, the first point of contact to our Family Resource Centers are our Parent/Child Interactive (PCI)...
by kipsadmin | Aug 2, 2020 | Parent Assessment
Seeing is Believing: Assessing Parenting Requires the Right Tools POSTED BY: PHIL GORDON ON FRI, AUG 16, 2013 Evaluating our own behavior in any situation can be challenging. Often times it takes someone outside the situation to help identify and assess behavior. ...
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